In this video I teach you how to set up your own still life at your home using fruits, veggies, or other objects you find around your home. Then we will do a loose painting of your set up. Painting a still life is a wonderful exercise to help you loosen up your style and work on your values.
Check out the video here.

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Cad yellow Light
Lemon Yellow
Indian Yellow (sennelier)
Indian Yellow ( W&N)
Azo (Aurolin) Yellow
Permanent Yellow Deep
Quinacridone Gold
Ultramarine Blue
Dioxazine violet

Very nice Alisa. I am a beginner in all art and so enjoyed seeing how you shaded the lemons and also how you added the background in such a soft and loose way. I sometimes paint something and then when it is done am afraid to add a background for fear of “messing” it up! Thanks for your clear and concise approach.