Baby Mine was inspired by my friend Carmen. She told me about some difficult experiences she’s had with other people’s comments, because her daughter doesn’t have the same skin color. And by all the hate of race all over the news.
I felt strongly to create a painting that would represent Unconditional love, and a love for all of Gods children. I believe He truly loves each one of us. For love is blind.
I asked Carmen if she and her daughter would be willing to model for me. Explaining to her what the painting would represent. To be honest I was nervous about what she would say and if she would even want to do it. It involving her daughter and such a difficult subject. But she was both willing and enthusiastic about it!
Getting Started
We began the process by having them meet with me, so I could take pictures and find out how I wanted to portray this painting. Most importantly getting the best pose that would represent them.This also helped me see both of their personalities and how they interact with each other. This sweet little girl loved to pick dandelions. And she would give them to her mom with a kiss and an “I love you.”
After combing through hundreds of photos. I found two that I wanted, I liked how the girl looked in one picture and how the mom looked in the other. Therefore I put them in photoshop to see how they would work together. Then the fun of painting and creating came!

I did lots of color mock ups to make sure I got the colors just right, Thank you all for your help in that!
Painting the hair and the lace was both the most fun and challenging part. Besides using Masking fluid to keep the intricate lace visible. I made up the design of the lace for the shirt. Because she was wearing a T-shirt and asked that their clothes be changed. I love how the shirt turned out and want it, but it doesn’t exist.
One of the challenge of the moms hair was making sure it was both dark enough and had a feeling of texture. And had the colors that were reflecting on her hair. By mixing my own blacks I was able to get both the darkness and the colors needed for her hair. After it dried I went back over it with a darker mix of black and created the texture, (if you look close you can see the names, Carmen, Lila and Alisa in her hair.) I would love to hear from you on whether or not you found them!
While I was painting, My friend Carmen was working on recording the song “Vincent, Starry Starry night” to go along with the video I recorded of my painting. link to the video above.
After I completed the painting I entered it into the Utah Watercolor societies Fall exhibition. It was juried into the show and was hanging in the Pioneer Gallery theater from October 13-November 10th.